Kyosei Muriki Jyotai Sochi

Kyosei Muriki Jyotai Sochi / 強制無力状態装置

in P.S.1 Contemporary Art Center
First Steps: Emerging Artists from Japan

Yriko Yamamoto + Yukako Okumuro Project

2001/京都精華大学 M104/京都
2003/P.S.1 Contemporary Art Center/N.Y.


作品概要 高さ4m×横5.5m×奥行き8mの巨大な黒い建造物があります。 正面の四角い入口から中へ入れるようになっています。物語りはこの建物へ入るところから始まります。 建物内はとても暗く、明かりは部屋の中央にぶら下がった小さな電球1つだけです。 辺りを見回すと、正面奥に高さ2m程の舞台のような2階部分が見えます。 黒い壁、黒い床、そして右手に2階へと続いている黒い階段があります。 2階には2つの透明なアクリル製の箱(90×130×130cm)が床に設置されていて、 どこからか工場で何かを製造している様な機械音がずっと聞こえています。



何とか脱出しようと箱内を模索していると、開かなくなった扉の下に文字が書かれた金属板が埋め込まれています。読んでみると、『出られなくなった時の対処方/  A:外側にいる人に助けを求める/ B:下記の指示に従って行動を起こす』とあり、Bを選んだ場合の簡単な行動の指示が書いてあります。内容は、グローブを両手にはめ、必ずお尻を床に着けた状態で黒いスイッチを床に完全に押し込むというものです。スイッチが押されると、座っていた床が観音開きになり、そのまま下へ落下します。

ボードには『 ただ今お入り頂けません。しばらくお待ち下さい。』とあります。




For Yuriko Yamamoto’s Yuriko Yamamoto + Yukako Okamuro Project―Kyosei muriki jyotai sochi (2001), participants enter a clear compartment within an isolated constructed environment, where they strike a lever with a hammer, causing them to fall through the compartment floor. After completing their own physical journey, they witness the next unsuspecting participant’s experience.

THEATRE: SET black BOX structure


The story begins with a huge black BOX structure( measuring 4 m high x 5.5 m wide x 8 m deep.) in SPACE

YOU/ visitors enter through the square entrance in front.

Will you enter?
wont you enter
what will you see?

ACT two:

dark inside the black BOX structure and there is ONLY small light bulb hanging in the center

There is PLATFORM about 2 meters high in front of you. AND a black staircase

Will you go up?
wont you go up
what will you see?
whats there?

ACT three:

there is a transparent box (90 x 130 x 130 cm) on the floor, and a mirror

The sound of machinery can be heard all the time from somewhere.

There is nothing but darkness except for the boxes and mirrors.

where is the sound?
why is there sound?


There is a door that looks like an entrance.

The door says, “Entrance/ Please feel free to enter/ Capacity of 1 person.
Please feel free to come in.

Will you enter or Not?

act 5 :enter the box and the door closes back up on itself….

Inside there is a black switch on the floor and a pair of black gloves

Once inside, the box can never be opened from the inside Or…………(that is what seems).

As you search inside the box for some way to escape, you will find a small metal plate with writing embedded

It reads:

A: Ask someone for help.


B: Follow the instructions below.

and if you choose B, simple instructions for action are written. Contents

what will you do?
Which one will you choose?

ACT 6:

TO ACTIVATE B put on gloves and push the black switch completely to the floor…

When the switch is pressed, the floor will swing open and you will fall down unexpectedly.

you have escaped successfully!!

ACT 7;
Where have you gone?
Where have you been?
where have you entered?
what can you see?

Only the person who fell from the box can come to this hidden room.

there is a corridor that leads to hidden room.….there is some stairs

This room has a Mirror/ window and a black desk and black chair 

The window overlooks the previous box space where the story begins.

what can you see?
who can you see>

sit in the chair and look out the window, you can see the person in the box, the person watching from outside the box, and the world after you leave, the world you can see but not touch.

you will find a small exit on the side of the black box set which will lead you out of the exhibition.